The Out Campaign: Scarlet Letter of Atheism

Monday 9 November 2009

Take the first step

It's time...

Time to pay attention to all those nagging questions in your head and seek out the answers.

Time to challenge your beliefs and accept that it's alright to go against the grain; to choose not to follow the herd.

Time to embrace what you've probably known all along -
You are an Atheist/Agnostic, stuck in a closet and perhaps it's time to step out.

Yes, I realise that the idea of being 'in the closet' is somewhat provocative, but I must admit I use the phrase for dramatic effect. But hey, if you're reading this, it probably got your attention so that's the intention, although it's certainly far from the whole objective. I do not intend to offend or appease any one's sexual orientation, if there is any subsequent reference to homosexuality or sex in general, it will contain a religious overview.

However, this blog would like to focus more on people who are confused about their 'religious orientation'. I think it's essential that we question indoctrinated religious beliefs, not only ours but in general, so that we may someday become self-actualized without the need for god(s). In doing so, perhaps we may be able to pass on our scepticism and guilt-free thought processes to our children. Perhaps we may be able to create a human race without dogma, propaganda, prejudice, race, caste, creed and war.

Perhaps we'll learn to exist in peace.

You probably think I'm being unrealistic, but I'm well aware of the long and arduous journey that awaits and
I'll admit that I'm scared. Scared of having to face and confront my family, my friends, my colleagues, society and our world at large, because I know they will question me. They will call me a sinner; they will condemn me to purgatory and worse than all else, they will try to 'save' me.

But I am saved. My eyes have opened to the reality of the world we exist in. My questions have been answered rationally, logically and with empirical evidence. So,
I've equipped myself with as much knowledge as I can carry and I hope to gather more along the way. And I also know I do not walk alone. I have a distinguished and varied group of people such as Charles Darwin, Richard Dawkins, Carl Sagan, PZ Meyers, James Randi, Sam Harris and many other scientists, sceptics, rationalists and atheists who have begun this journey, some long before I was even conceived. I merely attempt to follow in their footsteps.

So I call out to you, fellow atheist/ agnostic. Come walk with us.

It's take the first step out of the closet.

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